We would like to share with you today a really interesting piece of information that we have found surfing the Internet today, and that sooner or later will be useful for every of us. We are talking about how to manage wisely the time in between one job and another. 

When you are looking for a job, the simple fact of being unemployed can be really tough for you when being through a selection process, mainly because of your future bosses’ thoughts when it comes to spending your time when you have been out of the labor market.

So that is why we are presenting you today 6 wise advices on how to solve this issue in one’s favor:



Using your time helping others inside your community is a really respectable way of taking advantage of that inactivity period in your professional life. Volunteering is a really good way of showing that you have interest in other people or empathy, and that you are not concerned about yourself only, plus it will also help you to develop your personal skills and other abilities, something that would not have been possible if you had only been worried about your work during all that time.

Volunteering activities often require a good planning behind, and the coordination of a great number of people, which would show people that you have an undeniable ability to handle big groups, something that could be really useful for your next job interview.

Join some Professional or Community Asociations

You do not only participate in sociable activities when joining these groups, but you also have the chance of actively joining conversation that can be related to trends in your sector or community.

During a job interview, it is handy to be able to talk about relevant news, and to mention other professional in your industry can also show that you have not wasted your time during your unemployment period. Moreover, you can use your contact list once you have gotten the job, what can also be perceived as really beneficial by your company.

Continue educating yourself


One of the best things when it comes to improving yourself is to continue learning and polishing your knowledge while you stay unemployed. There are plenty of webpages that offer free formative online services, one of the best examples can be Code Academy, a web page where you can learn programming without spending a cent.

The fact of continuing broadening your knowledge when you are unemployed can give you the possibility of talking to your future interviewers about this formative initiative, what can be a differentiation fact during your next selection process.

The start of something new

It is a proven fact that you have a lot of free time when you are unemployed, that you would not have had when you were employed. This large quantity of time let us develop our creativity, set yourself some goals, and make them real. It can either be just opening up a new blog where you can tell people about your own experience, opening a consulting firm in your sector, or just starting a small business on your own. Just creating something new, and take it further in time to show everybody your potential in a future selection process.

Prepare yourself for upcoming interviews

Some people can think this could be absurd at first glance, but truth is that you are never fully prepared for a job interview. Talk to some of your colleagues, and ask them to help you out simulating one. Practicing the key factors that you want to mention about yourself, and also the questions that you are gonna pose to show you are interested in the position, and in the company, you can be able to feel more comfortable when the real moment comes: the actual interview.

Have fun

Finding a new job does not necessarily mean that you have to ignore any other passions you may have. You have to also use your time doing what you like when you are unemployed. If you enjoy physical activity, keep yourself busy doing sport, or if you rather read a book, maybe you should consider joining a reading club. Whether you are a sports fan or a curious photographer, your hobbies can help you out during this inactivity time.

When you are looking for a job, every skill you may have counts. In a future job interview you can be talking about all the things that you have done to both complement your own professional career, and help you fulfill yourself.

It is clear to us that the periods when we are unemployed can be stressful in everybody’s life, but if you keep yourself busy and continue dedicating time for yourself, to the enlarging your contact list, and to improving your CV, you can have way more chances of being hired in a future selection process.

Here you can find the original article.