Estel Ingeniería y Obras S.A., is a business group of international reference in engineering, technical services and integral installations. They cover all fields: from telecommunications to electricity, air conditioning, hydraulics, mechanics and other special areas.
With 25 years of experience, they are a leading group in the hotel sector with more than 700 projects executed worldwide and more than 1,200 if we expand to other sectors such as hospitals, railways and airports, education and luxury residential, among others.
When a key position is outsourced, Human Resources management must have exhaustive control of the progress of the process so as not to run the risk of failure.
Elvira has been working with Grupo Binternational for years in different organisations and the projects have had very good results, which is why she keeps reaching out.

How did we help?
Our specialisation in the industrial sector and our knowledge of the company are the factors that allowed us to determine a successful recruitment strategy.
What do they say about us?
Agility, 360º understanding of the profile and our boldness to go beyond the status quo.